Coiste Scoil Acla CCÉ 2019/2020 L-R: Sarah Calvey, Irene Gielty, Cian McNamara, Tommy English, Carol Ann McNulty and Lorraine Hamill. (Missing: Majella Gallagher, Roisin McNulty, Joan Swarbrigg)
The AGM of Scoil Acla CCÉ was held on Friday last (18th October) in Óstán Gob a’ Choire (Connaughton’s), Achill Sound.
Many thanks to all those who attended on the night.
The Chairperson’s, Secretary’s, Treasurer’s, PRO’s and Oifigeach na Gaeilge reports were delivered and a new committee for 2019/2020 was elected as follows:
- Chairperson / Cathaoirleach – Sarah Calvey
- Vice-Chairperson / Leas-Cathaoirleach – Cian McNamara
- Secretary / Rúnaí – Irene Gielty
- Treasurer / Cistneoir – Carol Ann McNulty
- Public Relations Officer / Oifigeach Caidreamh Poiblí – Tommy English
- Oifigeach na Gaeilge – Majella Uí Ghallachobhair
- Oifigeach na nÓg / Youth Officer – Roisín McNulty
- Toscairí Bord an Chontae / County Board Delegates – Joan Swarbrigg and Carol Ann McNulty
- Iniúchóir / Auditor – Lorraine McNulty
- Oifigeach um chosaint leanaí / Child Protection Officer – Sarah Calvey
At the meeting, Cathaoirleach Sarah Calvey gave a summary of the past year including yet another hugely successful summer school and looked ahead to what will be a busy year for Scoil Acla CCÉ. The Mayo Fleadh Cheoil will take place in Achill on the weekend of May 9th and 10th and the branch is very much looking forward to showcasing the very best Achill has to offer. Our 35th annual Summer School will take place from 25th July to 1st August. Between now and then, local classes in traditional music and set dancing will take place with the first term of Autumn classes coming to an end this week. Altogether, close to 100 people are participating in classes on a weekly basis.
The committee would like to thank all of our volunteers, funding agencies, organisations, businesses, venues, parents, tutors and the wider community for their continued support of Scoil Acla CCÉ. It is very much appreciated and indeed many of the events the branch facilitates throughout the year would not be possible without such generous support. Go raibh maith agaibh go léir.
Branch membership is now being taken for the coming year and new members are always welcome. Special family rate applies. Contact us for more information.
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